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PGCast #2 A 15-year-old Retailer in Morden

In this episode of PGCast, I had the pleasure to know the owners of Velocity – EPIC Board and Apparel. Jeff and Wanda Sit run this business for 15 years! I was so surprised to feel that their love and enthusiasm for the place are so fresh, It’s almost like the opened it yesterday.

Listen to the interview now:

Their journey so far is a real proof that perseverance and determination are key points to thrive in the business world. Most of all, the knowledge you have about your own product and to whom you are selling determines your success or failure.

Something they pointed out during our conversation was their big concern about online buying trends nowadays. Most people are pushed to purchase from an online store when most of the time, they don’t even need it. Not only that but the lack of an in-store experience with face-to-face service is being put aside for the fast “need of having” the product.

Buy local, help your community to grow!

Small cities like Morden offer you a charming downtown atmosphere that can easily make you feel inside a TV series. But let’s not forget that to keep this alive some real efforts must be put in action by the local Chamber of Commerce and YOU! Yes, without YOUR choice to buy local, more and more businesses won’t be able to survive.

Who wants to live in a ghost town? Nobody! 

Let’s get together as a community and give attention to our local shops, cafes and restaurants. These are the ones that bring walkers, keep the city attractive for tourism and a healthy job market.

See you in the next episode, Pembina Folks!

You can also listen to PGCast on Youtube

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